Friday, March 23, 2012

God plays No Favorites

Acts 10: 34-36--"Then Peter opened his mouth and said: "In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality." But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. The word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ--He is Lord of all."

"GOD IS LOVE"---this has been on my heart for the past week and a half. As I ponder on the statement it adds more and more depth to it as I really think about what it truly means. I could go on for days trying to tell you in words what it means but it means so much; that our English vocabulary cannot adequately justify what this truly means.
We all try to measure up to some kind of standard within our lives. What is that standard in your life? I pray and hope that it is God's standard!! His standard of righteousness, peace, love, grace, mercy, salvation, purity, kindness, gentleness, and knowing that He is the reason why we as humans exisist. Without His love, I would be lost and forsaken; not just me but we all would be. He gave his Son Jesus Christ to die a brutal death for our sins--He did it out of love. It brings to mind a quote from a movie that I just recently watched that goes like this: "I am nothing because I am not sending my son to Tonga, God is sending you because there is someone there worth fighting for that God knows about, I don't see anything worth fighting for over there because I don't know anyone there, BUT God does and He knows that it is not in vein." In the movie a father is giving a goodbye talk to his son who is leaving to go on a missionary journey and says that he really doesn't want his son to leave and risk his life for others that he doesn't know BUT he is trusting that God knows that it is worth it, one soul, even though the father does not know anyone there, he is reassured that one soul for the Kingdom is worth it.
God gave up Jesus because of us, it wasn't easy at all BUT He did it anyway. The epitomy of LOVE is best seen at the Cross. It doesn't matter what race, ethnicity, culture, how you dress, what you drive, where you live, the education you have, what matters is to accept unconditional love and knowing your place in eternity. Love is what makes things better, perfect love casts out all fear & God is a perfect love.
I can't help but to think that in a few months from now I am going to be so out of my "normal" living patterns, engulfed in a new culture, meeting new people, sharing God's LOVE in a lost and dying world--all of this is for His Kingdom, not for my glory but for God's glory. He knows already who He has set out to put in the path of our team to minister too, He is a God with a divine plan, He is never early and never late--my God is right ON TIME!! I truly am ecstatic about this upcoming trip because God looks at our heart--He desires to see Himself when He looks at each and every person.

TRIP UPDATE: **I just met today with a t-shirt company that I am teaming up with to do a fundraiser with, I just sat down to design a t-shirt (pictures coming soon!!) to take pre-orders from people that would like to support me with this mission trip! Sm-XL shirts will be $12 and 2X-5X shirts will be $14--please email me at if you would like one!

**Support is slowly coming in, I have had several people say that they are going to send in monies and for that I am very grateful! Thank you all for your support and if you feel lead to support financially please email me for more info!!

Have a Blessed Day!!! :)

Friday, March 16, 2012


You may wonder what TGIF stands for? First thought probably is Thank God It's Friday! Although in most cases that would be true, not this time.
TGIF---->Today God Is First
This is a devotional I recieve & it has spoken volumes to me the past several weeks! I want to share with you today's devotional & I pray it ministers to you!
Death & Birth of a Vision
John 12:24 "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground & dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds."
Almost every significant thing God births He allows to die before the vision is fulfilled in His own way. -Abraham had a vision of being a father to a great nation (birth). Sarah was barren & became to old to have children (death). God gave Abraham & Sarah a son in their old age. He became the father of a great nation. (fulfillment). -Joseph had a vision that he would be a great leader & that many would bow down to him. (Birth) Joseph's brothers sold him to some merchants & he became a slave. Later he was falsely condemned to spend his years in prison (death). God allowed Joseph to interpret the dreams of the butler & later the king, whereupon, he was made a ruler in the land (fulfillment). -Moses had a vision of leading his people out of the bondage of Egypt (birth). Pharoah as well as his own people drove Moses out of Egypt after Moses' first attempt to relieve their bondage (death). God gave Moses signs & wonders to convince Pharoah to free the people & bring them out of Egypt & into the Promised Land (fulfillment). -The disciples had a vision of establishing the Kingdom of God with Jesus (birth). The very ones He came to save killed Jesus, & the disciples saw Him buried in a tomb (death). God raised Jesus from the dead, & the disciples performed great miracles until the gospel had spread throughout the world (fulfillment). -A grain of wheat has a "vision" of reproducing itself & many more grains of wheat (birth). The grain dies in the ground (death). A harvest springs up out of the very process of "death" in the ground (fulfillment). Has God given you a vision that is yet unfulfilled? If that vision is born of God, He will raise it up in His own way. Do not try to raise the vision in your own strength. Wait on your Heavenly Father to fulfill the vision. You will know that it is His vision when He fulfills it the way He wants to!
No matter the trials you face God is there. Even if you think something looks dead. in the Lord because He is a God that has resurrection power...afterall, He did raise Lazarus from the dead! HALLELUJAH!! Keep pushing!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Welcome to my blog! Please bare with me as I am new at this! I am going to try my best to keep you updated with how support raising is coming along as well as life in general! It you don't know yet, well I will be joining a team this summer for 10 days in August to go minister in New Delhi India. I am in the beginning process to raise support,believing God will supply all my needs! I am so excited for this opportunity & humbled! Please join me in prayer for this endeavor!
God has been so good to me!! I am in nursing school & very thankful for this blessing. There are some challenging days with it but I'm reminded of how God promises to never put more on us than we can handle! He is my source of strength & will see me through!
Please check this blog for updates..I will try to post as much as I can to keep you updated! Thank you for taking a moment to read my blog! I will leave you with this: Mark 16:15-"Go into all the world & preach the gospel to every creature."